JPI Urban Europe – the knowledge hub for urban transitions
JPI Urban Europe was created in 2010 to address the global urban challenges of today with the ambition to develop a European research and innovation hub on urban matters and create European solutions by means of coordinated research.
JPI Urban Europe welcomes anyone with a drive and concern to improve 21st century urban life. Our task is to connect public authorities, civil society, scientists, innovators, business and industry to provide a new environment for research and innovation. We offer experimental zones and long-term research infrastructures in a broad sense. Our mission is to develop knowledge, tools and platforms for dialogue on urban transitions.
Currently, JPI Urban Europe engages 20 countries out of which 14 are members: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, and six are obeservers: Estonia, Poland, Portugal, Spain and Turkey, as well as the European Commission. More countries are involved in specific JPI Urban Europe activities.